ONE cold, December day, a girl called Mia and her sister Maddison were making wishes, which someday, they wished would come true.

"I know!" shouted Maddison, "why don't we wish that it could be Christmas forever!"

"Yes that's a brilliant idea!" exclaimed Mia, "We'll do it in the lounge, so that it'll come true for sure!"

So off they went into the lounge to make their wish. But there was one problem, their dad Gareth was in the room and he disagreed with them making wishes.

"Daddy" said Mia sweetly" can you make me some beans on toast please?"

"Yes sure" said Gareth ,and off he went. While Gareth was in the kitchen, Mia and Maddison started to make the wish.

"I wish that it could..."

Just then Gareth walked in to the room. "What have I told you about making stupid wishes!" shouted Gareth.

"Sorry Dad" said Maddison

"Yes sorry" agreed Mia

"Well go to your room anyway" said Gareth.

Upstairs the girls were bored "I know!" snapped Maddison

"You know what?" replied Mia.

"We can make the wish here but 4 times so then it will definitely come true" exclaimed Maddison. So they made the wish 4 times and then went to bed.

The next day they woke up and it was Christmas day.

"What is going on!?" said Gareth "It/s only December 20th!"

Just then Mia shouted

"I know what it is"

It's that wish that Maddison and I made last night, the wish that I made about being Christmas forever it's come true!"

"Well we'll have to try and change it back the way it was before because I haven't bought any presents!" Said Gareth.

They decided because they weren't going to get any presents, to change it back to December 20th again.

And before long it was Christmas day anyway!

The End!