"Shhhh" whispered Faith Claus, "Remember keep it a secret," she mumbled quickly and quietly to Santa's elves and reindeers, as her husband came stomping up the stairs at the front of his house.

"I didn't expect you all to be in here, because I was looking for you to show you a new toy that I've finished, but, I've also made it so all the parts move with only twisting a little knob"

Santa said grumpily at first but gradually getting calmer, before kissing his wife on the cheek.

"Um, I think its time we left piped an elf stepping towards the door so that the others would leave with him.

"I bid you goodnight and I'll see you in the morning. Pleasant dreams. Squeaked the last elf, before stepping outside the door and closing it.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Faith asked her husband sweetly.

"No, but I could do with a nice warm cuddle in bed though" Santa replied with a cheeky grin on his wrinkled face.

"What day is it honey?" asked Santa the very next day.

"I think it's the 24th today. I need to talk to the elves and reindeers today." Faith replied, trying not to sound nervous.

"OK" said Santa trying not to sound suspicious.

Later, while Santa was out in town buying firewood for the reindeers fireplace (you need to keep us warm says Comet) Mrs Clause called in the reindeers and elves for a final meeting before they started decorating, this is what she said "The party will start at exactly 3.30pm and will finish at approximately 7.30pm. It will finish at this time to give Santa a few hours to deliver the presents before all the little girls and boys wake at 8.00am."

"Shouldn't we get a move one?" asked Dancer politely.

"Yes, yes we should I've been talking for too long. I think Santa said that he'd get home round about 3.40 so we've got about 3 hours before he gets home, so lets get to work!"

So Faith stopped gibbering and they started work. The reindeers could only help by letting the elves stand on their backs to put up high decorations, because they're so tiny.

In 2 and a half hours the decorating and the cooking of the party food was all completed, and that gave them time to get ready for the party.

"SURPRISE!!!" yelled Faith, the elves and reindeers, "Merry Christmas on day in advance."

"W-wow!" spluttered Santa "So this is what you wanted to speak to them about, I thought you were being secretive!"

"This party is now off off that's it officially open!" Squeaked an elf over all the booming music and loud shouting.

The party carried on well past 7.30pm and into 11.52. Santa only realised what time it was 8 minutes later when Blitzen reminded him, "Santa, Santa you've only got 8 hours until 8am to deliver all the presents to all the girls and boys before they wake up!"

"Yes of course, EVERYONE! Let me close this party because I have to deliver the presents!" yelled a half drunk Santa.

So as Santa got ready the elves got the reindeers and the presents ready for travelling.

When Santa came out of his bedroom in his red and white trousers and coat he asked, "Elves I give you permission to use your transportation powers to help me deliver the presents to the girls and boys, so will you please help me deliver the presents?"

"Sir, sir of course we will help you, one elf for each country there is enough of us, or maybe even two of us to each country, yes two to each country, we'll just put on something warm" squealed on elf happily, "We'll always be there for you - or as they say when your getting married "Till death do us part".

So with that they left to deliver the presents, two to each country. They all arrived at Santa's house just after 7.50am and with the help of the hidden carrier as around each house they switched on the tv and watched all the girls and boys open all their presents.

The joy of it all was watching the children's tiny faces as they saw what they got.

The End