IT was Christmas Eve and I was wide-awake. My eyes didn't seem to be closing. I tried counting sheep (it doesn't work) I tried all sorts.

My only idea was to go downstairs and get a glass of warm milk. I got out of bed and crept across my room. I was right near the door when I stood on that piece of Lego. Gosh it was painful, I could have woke everyone if I hadn't of put my hand over my mouth. Next I had to make it downstairs, the worst part of all, creaky stairs are not the best to have in a situation like this. By the time I had got downstairs I'd stood on several different objects. When I got in the living room the light was on I just thought Mum forgot to turn it off. Oh boy how wrong was I.

There eating a mince pie and drinking a glass of milk was Santa Claus. I rubbed my eyes thinking it was a silly dream but no it was him. Then I thought Santa doesn't exist its just Dad up to his old tricks as usual. I wasn't sure what to do; so being myself I just moved closer and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Dad you don't need to pretend to be Santa anymore I'm 10 years old." I said trying to be friendly but the expression on my face wasn't exactly matching.

"Why I'm not your father dear but Santa Claus. Look my beard doesn't pull off I'm chubby. I am the real Santa Claus." He said smiling. I wasn't sure.

"Let me come with you then. I will be ever so good and this will prove everything. I promise never to tell anyone" I was smiling. I wasn't sure.

"Oh alright then, just don't tell anyone".

He grabbed my hand and we went up the chimney, next thing I knew we were up in the sky on a sleigh.

"Now do you believe me?" He asked

"Of course" I was smiling so much I thought I would have a permanent smile. I couldn't believe it I was flying with the legendary Santa Claus. We went in all my friends' houses and I travelled all over Europe.

"This is that last stop then you have to go home my dear" Santa told me.

"But I don't want to go. It seems like only 5 minutes ago I was in my own home" I replied not sure what emotion was running through me.

"I know but all good things have to end my dear"

When we landed back on my roof I didn't want to go. I hugged all the reindeers feeding them little nibbles of carrots and treats that had been left for them. Then I turned around to Santa his jolly face smiling and his arms out wide. I ran towards him and hugged him the warm soft fur on his coat rubbing on my face. I looked up at him and managed a weak smile.

"Don't worry I'll be back next year" He chuckled.

"I don't want it to end. I'll really miss you" I felt the tears whelming up in my eyes.

"Now, now don't cry I've left you some extra special presents." He hugged me tighter, kissed my forehead and returned back to his sleigh. I waved until he was out of sight.

"Goodbye" I whispered

I slid down the chimney and ran back to bed. I snuggled down in the covers and before I knew it I was opening presents. I slid my hand in my pocket and I felt something cold and hard I pulled it out and there was a small golden Santa Claus. Now every time I see that little Santa I remember the good times I had.