CAMERON and Leah really missed their dad who worked in the Middle East with a construction firm. Their mum wasn't sure whether he would make it back for Christmas. She was doing her best to keep them in high spirits because Father Christmas would be coming soon.

While the children went to school she had taken a part time job at a local supermarket so she could afford to buy some presents for Christmas. One Saturday afternoon a week before Christmas she took the children to see Father Christmas in the local shopping mall. They queued up for ages waiting to see him. Eventually it was their turn they were so excited.

"Hello there" said Father Christmas. "I hope you have been good children for your mum." Yes we have" replied Cameron and Leah. "So what would you like for Christmas this year." There was a small silence and the children both replied. "We want our dad to come home for Christmas, we haven't seen him for nearly 2 years now."

"I don't know what I can do about that but if you keep believing and looking up at the stars your dad will be too." They left and went home. Their mother was heart broken if only she could get in contact with her husband and ask him to come home, she to realised how much she missed him.

The following week went by very quickly. The children were very excited putting up their stockings at the end of the bed. Christmas Eve was really cold, just as the night fell the snow began to fall, Cameron and Leah looked out the window smiling up at the stars. "Our daddy will be looking at the stars now" said Cameron. "I hope he knows we miss him," said Leah.

The children went to bed, it didn't take them long to go to sleep. Their mother wrapped the last few presents and put them under the Christmas tree before going to bed.

Morning broke, Leah jumped to the end of her bed to find a stocking full of presents "Cameron wake up come and look" Cameron woke up, they both opened their presents. They went downstairs, and went into the living room there in the chair fast asleep. He looked kind of scruffy. The children ran back upstairs to wake their mum. "mum, mum there is someone downstairs" she ran downstairs, which startled the man in the chair, "you made it." She ran over to cuddle him, when the children looked closer they both could now see. "Daddy its you" said the children.

After the reunion their father had a wash and a change of clothes ready for Christmas dinner. Cameron and Leah recognised their dad straight away, a little older maybe but still the same smiley face. He said "Come with me you two I've got something outside for you" they all went outside to find that the garage was full of presents just for them. "This is the best Christmas ever," said Cameron.