Behind a snowflake of the Cullisis Christmas tree a family of little people live, Trevor, Hatti, Jack and Lucy.

It was Christmas Eve and the Cullisis had just put up their Christmas tree. Lucy and Jack had never liked the dark attic where they were almost all year, suddenly the snowflake bauble wobbled! No one noticed as a pin in the curtain ripped they string of the snowflake. No one noticed as the snowflake and mini people fell to the ground. The bauble hit the ground with a soft thud .....

When all was quiet Jack wriggled from under the ball. So did Trevor, Hattie and Lucy. They had just come from the attic and they were already in danger. They were under a gigantic plant (or so it seemed to them) "How are we going to get back home?" asked Lucy. "I suppose we can climb this huge tree" said Trev. But he had only jumped on to the pot when a man in glistening red suit appeared placed lots of boxes on the floor and mysteriously vanished!

In the morning Jack woke to find a lot of new things in the room. Cars, games, dolls and planes. He ran towards a train and jumped aboard. He was just going to stop playing around when a huge hand clasped over the silver train. The engine went faster and faster and crashed against the wall. A booming voice said "Nigel, that is not how you play with a toy!" Jack found his family around a wooden aeroplane. "We're going to fly" said Hatti. Jack got ready to jump out the aeroplane he leaped into the Christmas tree. Only Nigel saw him but no one believed he had.