Outside car windows were steamed up and the pavement was covered in icy grit. Icicles were descending down on my hair. Luckily I had my gloves on and my scarf. As I got nearer to the post box I noticed a few homeless people sat shivering in the wintry atmosphere. A few children roamed the streets wearing tattered rags. A gaggle of them crowded round the toyshop window staring with amazement at all the toys, their eyes wide.

I posted my Christmas list and as my feet felt like they were blocks of ice I decided to turn back. On the way home I kept thinking about how lucky I was to have great parents who could afford to keep me clothed and fed when some people were starving in the streets.

That night I tossed and turned. All I could think about was what I had seen. It drifted out of my mind when I slowly dissolved into sleep but as soon as I woke up it was back again.

Christmas day was getting nearer and nearer. I spent hours outside in the trampled dirty snow tracing people's footsteps while I thought. I spent days moping inside over the same problem while everyone else were playing in the snow outside.

Eventually Christmas day dawned. I wasn't as excited as I usually was because the same though was still niggling inside my head but I rushed downstairs anyway and opened my wonderful gifts. Everything I wanted was bound in crisp wrapping paper. That morning mouth-watering smells wafted through the house.

As soon as I set my eyes on the groaning table full of dinner I knew we wouldn't be able to eat it all. Still I sat down and tried to be grateful for what was in front of me. When I had finished I wondered what to do with the leftover food.

Have you ever felt like a light bulb suddenly goes off in your head and then you're left with an incredible idea?

Well that was what happened to me. A million ideas were bustling in my head all fighting to get chosen but I had one of my own. I called mum and told her my idea.

One minute we were wrapping all the food in cling film and then the next we were in the car on the way to the nearest Homeless Shelter the lamplights flickering. The dampness seeped through the car door shivered. I don't know whether it was because of the cold or just with anticipation.

Soon we reached the Shelter. It looked quite a dull boring place to live. As we burst through the door the people's expressions became surprised, then the happiness look over. As I watched them tuck into the food I felt happier than I ever had.

Suddenly a child skipped up to me and said "This is the best Christmas I've had in a long time."

It was then, I received a warm feeling inside my heart!