"Come on now pal. I think you've had a few too many Sherries. Let's take you down to the station," the reindeer cop ordered.

"No, no, no, I have to deliver the children's presents!" Santa pleaded.

Santa, that well loved Christmas postman, had been arrested for going over the speed limit in the Warrington area. In the police station the reindeer police put Santa in a dirty, smelly cell.

"Please, reindeers, listen to me - it's Christmas Eve, I need to deliver the present," said Santa desperately, whilst grasping the cold, steel bars of the cell. "Oh sure mate, everyone knows that Santa is totally fictitious," the reindeer replied sarcastically.

After a short while, Santa ceased his incessant begging to the copper and turned his thoughts to the seemingly impossible task of escaping from the heavily guarded walls of the W.A.R. police station, (Warrington Air Reindeer). The intellectually superior mind of Santa realised that he would have to escape within two hours, thus giving him enough time to conclude his present delivery service and return to his grotto in the freezing temperatures of the North Pole. But our Christmas friend had a lot of tricks up his thick, red sleeve.

Santa was a member of the undercover squad, E.L.F.'s They are the F.B.I. of the Artic and Santa also happens to carry a 'Nokia 3310' around with him, so put them together and what have you got? A perfect escape route! '4 .. 63... 2...' Santa thought to himself as he pressed the same numbers on the mobile phone. "Hello, is that Vincent? Vincent McFally? Leader of the ... secret ... gang?" he whispered softly. "Yes I'd like to order an undercover breakout. It has to be within exactly two hours at The Warrington Air Reindeer Control.. Yep! That's it. Thanks - bye!"

Approximately two hours later, a couple of well disguised elves were wandering around the corridors of the station looking for Santa. They were quite safe, as they were disguised as officers. They quickly located Santa's cell and opened the door with ease. "Come on - you follow me," one elf said while the other dragged Santa out of the cell and out of the station.

"Right, let's get these presents delivered," the elf said, helping Santa to break free of his handcuffs. They hopped into the sleigh and the second elf said to Santa, "You get all the pressies ready, Santa and leave the driving to me, just in case you get a bit carried away and get yourself arrested again!"

"Great idea!" replied Santa gratefully and soon all the children in Warrington were receiving their gifts from Santa Claus who was now back in his jolly mood. "HO, HO, HO!"