AS I walked along the tree lined street, I looked into the brightly lit houses where people were busily getting ready for Xmas, but even that did not make me feel any better.

You see my dog Charlie was killed in an accident last Xmas and it was my fault. I had gone out with my friends Josh and Nick on our bikes and had forgotten to close the gate after me. Charlie must have tried to follow me and he ran straight into the road. He was killed instantly by a car, the poor driver had no chance of stopping. So even the thought of all those presents under the tree could not make me feel any better. I got Charlie as a puppy and we grew up together, he was my friend.

Sighing heavily, I went straight home, My mum was waiting for me with a worried look on her face. "I'm ok mum, I'm just tired so I'll go straight to bed" I kissed her on the cheek and made my way slowly up the stairs. "Everything will be ok son" she called after me. I hoped so I really did.

Christmas day eventually arrived bright and sunny, I stared out of the window wishing it had snowed, but I know now that wishes don't come true. I guess wishes are just for dreamers.

Going downstairs into the lounge, I wondered where everyone was. Normally Christmas morning is hectic, with wrapping paper all over the place and my mum trying to do 10 jobs all at once in preparation for the family arriving for dinner. Oh then there's my sisters who squeal when they get the latest boy band CDs (Yuck).

In the middle of the room stood a large box, which seemed to be making tiny movements and noises. My curiosity got the better of me and I stared into the box. Inside was the cutest tiny puppy staring up at me. My first angry thought was that Charlie couldn't and wouldn't be replaced. I turned to walk away but something in the puppy's eyes pulled me back. It was like looking into Charlie's eyes and as we stared at each other the instant recognition was incredible. I picked him up and he licked me all over my face, which had made me laugh and cry at the same time. I put the puppy on the floor and he went straight to my Play Station and brought the control pad back to me, a trick I had taught Charlie. Any doubt vanished from my mind. Somehow, impossibly Charlie had come back to me.

I know that wishes do sometimes come true, and that Christmas day turned into the happiest day of my life.