LONG - long ago there lived a women called Mary.

One day an angel appeared she was called angel Gabriel. She had come to tell Mary that she was going to have a baby. Gabriel went to the little town to see Marys boyfriend, he worked as a carpenter. Gabriel told Mary's boyfriend about the baby, he was called Joseph. Joseph was shocked about the news. Later on Joseph went home, and looked after Mary. The next day Jospeh and Mary had to go back to Bethlehem. They had to ride on a donkey, it was very tiring. And it was a long way away. At last they were at Bethlehem, but they needed a place to sleep. 1st they went to one place but he said they couldn't stay there. Next they went to another place and they could stay there. Later on they both fell asleep, but Mary woke up she was having her baby and like angel Gabriel said Mary called him Jesus.

Mary and Joseph always knew that their son would always be special.