ARSONISTS set a pile of rubbish on fire outside the back door of a flat in Orford on Tuesday - while the elderly householder was inside.

And the situation was made even more dangerous by the fact a gas meter was situated just yards away from the flames.

Fire crews were called out to the incident at around 5am, which saw the door to the kitchen in flames and the rest of the property smoke-logged.

The 65-year-old man, who asked not to be named, said on Tuesday: "I was in bed and the smoke alarm went off so I got up, and the people upstairs came down and we got outside.

"There was a lot of smoke - you can still smell it now.

"There was a gas meter two yards away from where the fire was, so it could have been serious."

A spokesman at Warrington Fire Station said: "We have had incidents like this before and it is very dangerous.

"In this case the fire burnt through the door and the property was filled with smoke."

Police confirmed that they were investigating the incident as a case of arson.