A Little Deeper (Special Edition)

WHEN Ms Dynamite - aka Niomi McLean-Daley - crashed into the charts with her astonishing debut album A Little Deeper earlier this year it was difficult for even the most hard nosed critics to take a pop at her.

Combining the best of garage, hip hop and pop, Ms Dynamite managed to convert doubters and attract fans that would never have touched this type of music before.

And just a few months after the initial release a special edition import has arrived in the shops. There is very little to differentiate it from the original and it is not worth buying if you already have a copy of the album.

But for those who have not yet succumbed to her charms, go out and buy a copy now!

It's incredible to think that Niomi is just 21 because her lyrics ring out with the wisdom of an 80 year old.

Instead of moping over cruel boyfriends, Niomi sings about getting on with her life, no matter what it throws at her. A great example is her latest release Put Him Out, which has already been dubbed I Will Survive for the 21st century.

The top ten hit Dy-Na-Mi-Tee is also here, and will swim around your head for weeks after a single listen. Liz Payne