STUDENTS stressed-out by poor exam results can get careers advice from Connexions and a sympathetic ear from the Samaritans.

Whether tomorrow's A level grades are good or bad, Connexions offers professional careers advice to help school leavers to make the most of their opportunities.

Margaret Salmon, a Connexions Cheshire and Warrington personal adviser, insists that poor grades are not a barrier to success.

She said: "It can be a terrible shock to learn you've failed to get a place on a university or college course you've been looking forward to, but don't despair.

"Whatever grades you've got, you still have loads of options and there's no reason why you too can't go on to your dream career."

She also wants people with unexpectedly good grades who have so far not thought about further education and those with no future plans, to get in touch.

Margaret added: "If you don't know what you want to do, then Connexions personal advisors will be able to help by listening to your ideas and suggesting some possible careers to investigate."

The Samaritans offers non-judgemental, confidential support to help people talk through their feelings without any pressure from friends or family.

A spokesperson said: "Not getting on to a college course can make someone feel as if the bottom has fallen out of their world.

"At times like this they probably don't want to talk with their mates and probably feel as if they're letting their parents down, so they might not be able to talk to them.

"We offer an impartial ear. It's totally confidential emotional support, not careers advice."

Contact the Samaritans on 08457 909090, call in to 1 Manchester Road, Nothwich between 9.30am and 10pm or e-mail

For information from Connexions ring 08080 013219 or visit the website at