A WOMAN suffered a frightening attack in Northwich town centre last Tuesday afternoon when she was shoved against a wall and had her handbag stolen.

The robbery happened when the 25-year-old victim was walking through the subway underneath Chesterway at 4pm on August 5.

Police hope that the full descriptions they have of the offenders will lead to a quick arrest.

The woman's ordeal started when one of the men knocked into her and pushed her against the wall, before stealing her handbag and running off with his accomplices towards the town centre.

However, the victim shouted to her assailants that she suffered from diabetes and desperately needed the medication that was in her handbag.

Upon hearing this, the attackers stalled and took an unknown amount of cash from the handbag, before dropping it to the floor and running away.

Sergeant Keith Beresford, from Northwich Police, said: "This is quite a nasty incident and while the victim was not seriously hurt, it would have been quite a frightening experience for her.

"Anyone witnessing the assault or who has any knowledge of who the offenders might be should come forward and get in touch with the CID unit at Northwich Police Station."

The suspects are all white males and have Liverpool accents, with the first described as between 20 and 25 years old, 5ft 5ins tall, heavily built, and was wearing black shorts and a white T-shirt. He had a skinhead-type haircut.

The second man is thin and in the same age group, is 5ft11in tall and was wearing an Adidas tracksuit.

He had a cigarette burn on the left leg of his trousers, and distinguishing features include a cut on his right hand and a scabby sore on his left arm.

The third man is aged between 23 and 27 years old, 5ft11in tall, and slim with his hair brushed forward. He wore khaki trousers and a waterproof and during the assault the victim left scar-marks on his face.

The fourth man is in the same age group, and is also 5ft11in tall. He wore shorts and had short brown hair.

Anybody who can help should telephone Northwich Police on 01606 48000 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
