Police warn residents to be on their guard as burglars target open doors and windows

AS temperature's have soared in Widnes, so have the number of burglaries.

Crooks have been taking advantage as people leave their windows and doors open.

There were 37 burglaries in Widnes in July, compared to 20 last year.

Police are warning people not to leave valuables on show and not to leave open windows and doors unattended.

Det Sgt Dave Birch, of Widnes burglary squad, said: "There have been a lot of burglaries of the type where people have left windows open during the night and doors during the day, giving opportunist thieves a way in."

Ditton saw six burglaries in one night last month and the Appleton and Peelhouse Lane areas have seen an increase this month.

Police have made arrests but inquires are on going.

Most sneak-in thieves are taking small items like mobile phones, handbags, cash and credit cards, so they are in and out quickly.

Det Sgt Birch added: "People aren't realising theses crimes have happened because they are not seeing anything or hearing anything. It's giving the thieves the opportunity to use credit cards.

"These burglars aren't ransacking people's houses."

Police want people to fit nuts to windows to stop them being forced open from the outside and to make sure doors are not left open when they are in different parts of the house.

If you have information about these crimes, call the burglary squad on 01244-6137329 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

More details on home security can be obtained by writing to Crime Reduction Advisor Phil Buckley, at Runcorn Police Station, Halton Lea, WA7 2HG.