HAVING read the letter from B Cunningham, it's obvious he is a migrant to Widnes.

To call the council members street sweepers or lorry drivers, hillbilly and Ged Clampet, is his own assumption of members of the council, which I presume he does not know.

And I do not agree that you could not be in either profession to be a councillor.

He says they had six movable bridges in Birkenhead.

What did they cross?

The dock area has no major roads as I recall from my days visiting Birkenhead as a lorry driver.

He says they had to cope with these obstacles but because they had a liberal and conservative council they were able to cope.

What obstacles and what did you have to cope with?

And who are you to call Widnes a backwater town as you are living here.

If you don't like our council or you are unhappy at the way they try to do things without inane criticism from people like you, then move back to Birkenhead.

Leslie Scott, via email