I LEFT Widnes about 30 years ago but frequently return to see family. Without doubt Widnes and Runcorn commuters need a new bridge. The one that's there now appears to be in constant need of repair, judging by the road works hindering the free movement of traffic.

A new bridge could allow for one bridge to be for Widnes to Runcorn traffic and the second to be for Runcorn to Widnes traffic.

This would not only help the flow of traffic but also help to eliminate the numerous car crashes I have witnessed.

The only problem with the majority of town councils, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, is that they don't have any foresight by planning a future development and growth. Whatever the cost is now to build a new bridge the price will escalate dramatically year by year, so why not build it now and save vast amounts of cash in the long run.

Name and address supplied