I CAN honestly say, hand on heart, that I drive at 30mph when I go past the speed cameras on Liverpool Road.

Maybe this is because there is a school on one side of the cameras and a crossing.

It's a school which my children attend and if anyone speeds up after the cameras heading towards the school then I have to say they are very selfish and very stupid.

I only hope that if Mr Hanvey ever kills anyone whilst speeding he can forgive himself because I certainly would not.

Regarding another letter in last week's World about the black spot on Prescot Road, if drivers who use the road drove at 30mph there would perhaps be fewer accidents.

My older children cross this road to get to school with great difficulty because of the increased amount of traffic (due perhaps to the new housing estate) and many, many drivers do not adhere to the speed limit which makes it even more difficult for people to cross or for cars to pull out from Heath Road, which is used as a shortcut by many of these same drivers.

Chesnut Lodge and Liverpool Road are very often grid locked in the morning and yet we are supposed to accept two more roads onto Liverpool Road if Redrow get their way and build houses onto the golf course.

Carol Bright, Lynton Crescent, Widnes