I WAS both amazed and appalled to read some of the letters regarding speeding on Liverpool Road.

Firstly, I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I don't speed. I plan it so that I have enough time to reach my destination without speeding.

One gent thought that 45-50mph was a normal speed to do on a 30mph road. There is a primary school on the road and other pupils also walk along and cross this road.

Have you never heard of braking distances? You justify your speed to parents whose children have been killed by speeding drivers.

One of my friends was killed by a speeding driver when we were just eight years old. Could you go into a classroom and tell a child's friends that their classmate had died?

Another reader can't keep a car travelling at 30mph without other traffic to judge their speed by.

I have never heard anything so ridiculous. I would suggest this person should take more driving lessons or gets their eyes tested.

Yes, it was sneaky the way the council changed the speed limit with hardly any mention of it.

But they did put up signs at the junctions of the road advising of a new speed limit in force, the same as they did on Hough Green Road.

However, we still have no excuse because within the Highway Code it does state that in a built up area the speed limit is 30mph unless stated otherwise.

It was known that the 40mph signs were removed, everyone was talking about it.

Drivers need to pay more attention to their surroundings instead of driving around with blinkers on.

Jane Doyle, Hough Green Road