EVENTS will take place at Harbutt's Field during the weekend of September 26 and 27.

There will be free activities including a battle by the Ermine Street Guards, Roman parade, weaponry displays, a Roman market, clay and mosaic workshops and refreshments.

On Saturday, September 27, there will be an international salt making conference at Northwich Memorial Hall with lecturers from all over the world.

An historic salt making demonstration and other activities will be held on Sunday at the Lion Salt Works Trust, Ollershaw Lane.

There will be working reconstructions of a Roman lead salt pan together with associated displays and marquees.

Jonathan Williams said: "Not only is this a great fun day out for everyone but it is also factual and historically accurate."

Pupils in Middlewich schools have also been getting into the spirit of the festival by holding Roman days during term time and have prepared displays and forts that can be seen at the festival.

Jonathan added: "It is great for the children as they are not just attending an event they are actually part of it."

For more details about the festival ring Jonathan on 01606 833434.