STEWARDS and guides are just some of the roles on offer for people to get involved with during the Roman Festival.

About 100 volunteers are needed to provide support during the festival to carry out a range of jobs including guiding visitors and running a free park and ride system.

Liz Mitchell, of Congleton Borough Council's voluntary service, said: "Volunteers have the chance to meet new friends, learn new skills, develop new interests, be part of the community and have real fun.

"It's a rewarding experience which can increase your confidence and self esteem and it can also be a valuable addition to you CV."

A rota-system will ensure that volunteers work for short periods, enjoy breaks and have time to enjoy the weekend.

Jonathan Williams, town clerk and one of the organisers of the festival, said: "It is very important as last year we were commended on out safety and that is down to the volunteers.

"They will be a crucial aspect to looking at and evaluating the importance of heritage on regeneration and will be doing market research to get opinions of the festival and what they think of Middlewich and what they want to see.

"What the volunteers do is critical for the future."

After the festival committee members will be talking to businesses and pubs to see if they benefit financially from more people coming into the town.

This information will be used to help compile a strategy when the committee applies to agencies for additional funding for future festivals.

If you think you have got what it takes to be a volunteer, please call Liz Mitchell on 01270 763100 or email sandbachvb@