DANGEROUS crossings could now be tackled making it safer for children to travel to school.

Thousands of pounds has been secured from the Joint Highways Agency for the Middlewich's safer routes to schools scheme, although the exact figure has not been confirmed,

Janet Mills, safer routes to schools principal advisor, said: "Each district in Cheshire is designated as a zone and Middlewich was chosen because of the enthusiasm of the schools working with ourselves on their area travel plans.

"The pupils themselves have put forward some great ideas and children from the high school have been meeting with the junior schools."

The aim of the scheme is to get rid of all the dangers faced by children and adults travelling to school.

Councillor Dave Sutton has been campaigning for a crossing on the A54 for months.

He said: "This is fantastic news for Middlewich

"The safer routes to schools has been a long fought thing and this will have a big impact on the town.

"Not only will it make it safer for children but for everybody coming in and out of the town."

Middlewich High School, St Mary's Primary School and Middlewich Primary School have all been involved in working at this scheme and it will now be rolled out to cover schools in Cledford.

The next stage will be a consultation with the schools to decide upon areas and facilities that need addressing to make travelling safer.

Janet added: "We want everybody on board including schools, parents, teachers and local police.

"We are now looking to consult all groups on what action they think needs to be taken.

"And the pupils themselves have put forward some good ideas and Middlewich High children have been meeting with the primary school."

Work putting the scheme into practice will be carried out in 2004.
