THIEVES ripped the satellite navigation system from an ambulance and stole a paramedics bag.

The crew was treating a patient in Thorn Road in Halton Lodge, Runcorn last Saturday and when they returned to their cab they discovered the equipment was missing.

They were then called to a traffic accident but when they realised their paramedics' bag had also been stolen, they had to stand down.

The bag contained essential life saving equipment, including saline fluid replacement, insulin and many more pieces of essential kit.

The bag was later found in Palacefields although the contents had been stolen.

In the last month, another three ambulances have had satellite navigation systems stolen in Liverpool - and the ambulances had to be taken out of service.

Each replacement system costs almost £1,000.

An ambulance service spokesperson said: "The screens enable ambulance crews to find the quickest route to the location of an accident.

"They are of no use to thieves without the accompanying CD-ROM and processing unit.

"The repairs also adds further to the expense to the ambulance service, which is already managing an extremely tight budget."

Acting clinical manager for North Cheshire, Stuart Ryall, said: "Of even greater concern was the theft of the paramedics' bag.

"This contains essential pieces of kit we require to treat patients who are in a critical condition."

Anyone with information about the incident should call Crimestoppers 0800-555 111.

Pictured: More ambulances are being targeted by thieves