DAREDEVIL teenagers diving into water from a 60ft railway bridge are dicing with death, firefighters have warned.

One 14-year-old Widnes schoolboy was taken to hospital after plunging from the parapet into the river at Sutton Weaver. It was feared he may have been seriously injured but fire crews say he was simply in severe shock after hitting the cold water.

His two friends, both from Widnes, raised the alarm.

Sub officer Ken Sharratt, said: "A lot of people have lost their life through a similar incident. There is the potential for severe spinal injuries.

"I feel this boy has learnt a lesson but we would like to warn children of the dangers. It's not just the high drop, there could be sharp objects in the water."

He said around 20 youngsters were also jumping into the River Weaver on the other side of the bridge.

"They don't realise the additional hazard of infections from contamination," said sub officer Sharratt. "My advice to parents is to warn your children of the dangers.

l Deadly drop: Teenagers defied death plunging 60ft into the River Weaver from this railway bridge.

PHOTO by IAN PARK (IPP6803)Vridge