WEAVERHAM villagers rose to the challenge and produced a spectacular display of vegetables, flowers, cakes, photographs, handicrafts and woodwork at the annual show.

As they had last year, judges commented on the high quality entries and the difficulty of choosing winners.

Exhibitors awaited judging with trepidation as temperatures rose and flowers, produce and cakes had to withstand full sunlight awaiting the decision.

There were bright and colourful exhibits from children and school pupils.

A whole range of imaginative models made from recycled boxes, pots and tubes including animals, Thomas the Tank Engine, robots and buildings were on display.


Elizabeth Gidley, secretary of the show, said: "There was some beautiful art work from the high school students and pottery from youngsters, who had even grown their own plants to put in them."

The show was open to the public from 2pm to 4pm and exhibitors, visitors and judges alike said that the competition was good-natured and the atmosphere was happy and light hearted.

The 'Weaverham Parish Council Shield' for the best exhibit in the show was awarded to Pat Dale whose patchwork quilt caught everybody's eye including the judges.

Pat had persuaded her goddaughter to part with it for the day as it had been made as a 21st birthday gift and was called Magic Tiles.

Elizabeth added: "The Weaverham Village Show committee would like to thank all its sponsors, judges, volunteers and most of all the exhibitors for making the 10th show such a successful event."
