VALE Royal Borough Council is to carry out an extensive public consultation exercise in order to gauge people's opinions about the proposed Winnington Urban Village development.

The application is one of the largest single planning applications that the borough council has ever received - thousands of pages of detailed plans supported by a comprehensive master plan.

The original plan, submitted in the form of five individual applications, was refused by the council's planning committee in November 2002, after it failed to be convinced about the development's compatibility with Northwich Vision in terms of transportation.

Since the refusal, planning officers have worked with the applicants to try to find solutions to the initial concerns.

This has resulted in a revised single application submitted on behalf of the newly-formed Winnington Urban Village Consortium, composed of Brunner Mond, Taylor Woodrow, Morris Homes and Barratt Homes.

Planning officers will now scrutinise the plans to determine if they fit in with the council's requirements for the site as set out in the adopted planning brief, which was drawn up in 2001 as supplementary planning guidance for the area.

The council also intends to consult with Northwich residents and gather their concerns and hopes regarding the development.

This will be in addition to September's open consultation sessions organised by the consortium.

Clr Keith Musgrave, leader of the council, said: "I wish to reassure residents that sufficient opportunities will be given for both examining and commenting on the proposals.

"The council will carefully consider all responses before it reaches a decision. It is anticipated that the council will consider the proposals in the autumn."