A SAVAGE attack on a female swan at the lake outside Vale Royal Borough Council's headquarters has resulted in the bird being put down.

Grace and her partner Henry had become popular with residents and council staff since their arrival in 1992 but a Staffordshire terrier mauled Grace in the incident last Wednesday evening.

A spokesman for the council said it was not the first time the swans had been targeted and described how Grace was grabbed by the neck and savaged as a group of young children played by the lake.

To make matters worse, a council spokesperson says the owner of the dog stood and watched the attack on the swan and made no attempt to pull his animal - which was not on a lead - off Grace.

Clr Val Godfrey, Mayor of Vale Royal, said: "We are all tremendously sad as Grace had become a great favourite with visitors. We are all going to miss her.

"We also feel concerned for the future of swans on the lake, as Grace and Henry have reared a number of families on the lake."

Columb McPhillips, from the council's environmental health department, said: "We urge dog owners to place their dogs on leads when walking them in public places, especially when near children.

"The owner of the dog is liable for any damage claims which may result from an accident caused by the dog."

Grace and Henry have been parents to more than 50 cygnets and Grace leaves behind five young cygnets born earlier this year.

The law makes it an offence to injure, maim or kill any wild animal, and anyone found doing so will be prosecuted under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.

Anyone with any details about the incident or who knows the identity of the dog's owner can call Columb McPhillips in confidence on 01606 867866.
