A CLUB wants to help solve Knutsford's parking problems by letting office workers pay for a space at its site.

Shaw Heath Social Club said it would consider a park-and-ride scheme from the site if it was financially viable.

"It would be another source of income," said secretary Sue Bellamy. "We discussed it informally at a committee meeting and we probably would consider it."

Last week members of the town council's car parking committee wrote to six organisations to ask if they would provide solutions to Knutsford's parking problems. The group said office workers with parking permits were currently stopping visitors from shopping in the town centre.

Their first report - produced after months of surveys - concluded that cheaper parking permits at local clubs could ease the problems.

"We have just received the letter and we have a lot of questions to ask," said Mrs Bellamy.

"The club would want to know how many spaces they wanted and there's the security to consider."

Mrs Bellamy also said someone would need to provide a bus service from the club into Knutsford for office workers arriving in the morning.

"The social club is quite a distance from the town centre," she said.

The Mobberley Road organisation, which could provide about 30 parking spaces, now plan to contact Clr Val Boston-Davies to express an interest in the scheme.

Knutsford Private Bowling Club in Mereheath Lane, Knutsford, also received a letter and were expected to consider the request at a committee meeting last night.

As the Guardian went to press spokesmen for the other organisations - Egerton Youth Club, Knutsford Football Club, Knutsford Sports Club and Toft Cricket Club - were unavailable for comment.