HALFWAY Gents and RNA are the latest teams to have secured their respective section championships in the Runcorn Apec Taxis Darts League.

A 7/2 win against Fiddlers III made certain of the section three championship for Halfway Gents.

RNA, who have led section four throughout the summer, finally clinched the title when they beat Cherry Tree B Team 6/3. This match produced a maximum from the winners Chris Turner.

Of the eight players taking part at the Old Transporter the eventual two players winning through were previous champion Steve Roberts (Tricorn) and Eamonn Hartigan (Albion).

The remaining eight players competed at the War Memorial and no less than six maximums were scored with the eventual winner Peter Murphy (Taverners) and Nick Hough (Albion) both hitting two apiece.

This Saturday night is the closing date for registrations for the 2003/04 winter league at the Waterloo Hotel. Holders of league trophies from the 2002 summer league should also return these.