A NEW residents group has been formed in a Nantwich village to improve quality of life in the area.

And the Wrenbury residents, who have come together to form SPORT - Sandfield, Pinsley, Oakfield Residents Together, received a start-up gift from the Wulvern Hosing trust.

A cheque for £150 was presented by Wulvern chief executive Sue Lock at the trust's first tenants' open forum meeting.

SPORT member Felix O'Neill said the group was open to both Wulvern tenants and private residents who live in the area.

He added: "With support from Wulvern we are hoping to embark on schemes to tidy up the area to make it a more attractive place to live," he explains.

The new group's chairman is Isobel Murrell with Margaret Roberts as secretary and Sue Davey as treasurer.

There are currently a dozen residents groups working with Wulvern across both Crewe and Nantwich, but the trust's Georgina Parker says more are needed.

She said: "We will work with any group of tenants and residents that want to get together and improve their area or community.

"We can give them our support in a wide range of ways, from sponsorship to community bases, practical advice, training and information.

"Wulvern's aim is to become more involved in the community at large so that the lifestyle of all our tenants can be enhanced."

The tenant's forum was attended by more than 50 residents who listened to presentations given by the trust's senior staff..