DRUNKEN yobs will be targeted in Nantwich town centre on Friday night in a police crackdown on booze-fuelled disorder.

Specially trained officers will be on the streets with a mobile police station as part of Operation Yellow Card, designed to take a tough line against violent yobs in Cheshire's town centres.

Cheshire Police have promised to arrest anyone who fails to respond to warnings about anti-social behaviour.

Officers involved will carry yellow cards listing what is unacceptable behaviour, from threatening or swearing at passers-by to urinating in the street.

The team will be backed up by mobile cells and a mobile custody suite where arrests can be quickly processed allowing officers back on the streets.

Operations manager at Crewe Police Station, Chief Inspector Robin Crorie will be in charge of the weekend operation, which will move to the Nantwich Road area of Crewe on Saturday night.

He said: "Generally in Crewe and Nantwich we have excellent co-operation from licensees through our highly successful Pubwatch scheme and over the past few years this division has had the lowest figures in the county for alcohol related disorder and violence.

"But there is always the odd individual who will cause trouble after leaving a pub or a club, when the licensee can't do very much about it.

"This is an opportunity to remind certain people that even low levels of anti-social behaviour are nevertheless unacceptable.

"It might be called 'high spirits' by some, but it can be distressing and even frightening to the general public."

Chief Superintendent Derek Barnett said: "We've seen a marked improvement in behaviour in the towns which have already been targeted.

"There has been a tremendous amount of support from people who have been stopping officers on the street to voice their appreciation.

"There is nothing killjoy about this. It is making the town centres more pleasant places for people, including families, who want to enjoy their leisure time."