CREWE Alexandra manager Dario Gradi and chairman John Bowler have been awarded the Freedom of the Borough.

The dynamic duo who have taken the club to unprecedented heights, received the honour in a special ceremony at the Lyceum Theatre, last Wednesday.

It is the highest honour that can be awarded to anyone apart from those granted by the Queen and has only happened on 22 occasions throughout the borough's history.

Mayor Stan Davies asked both to sign the roll before presenting them with a framed copy of the borough council's resolution and an engraved Honorary Freeman medallion.

Alex supporters and councillors applauded their approval.

Council leader Peter Kent said:

"We don't just make this award for footballing excellence and it isn't an award just to the club, but to two distinguished individuals.

"We all know the club plays a major role in the life of the borough.

"After years of saying we make the finest locomotives and cars in the world, we can now say we have a football club that upholds this quality of excellence."

John said it was a privilege and an honour.

"I would not have achieved anything if it wasn't for the encouragement, support and enthusiasm of the directors of the football club.

"I have the highest regard for them all and I'm pleased to be sharing the day with the leading professional coach in the country who's also a personal friend.

Dario concurred.

"It is an honour to be receiving this award and it is much appreciated," he added.

"The council have been a great support to me and the club from day one and that has allowed us to develop and grow over the years.

"They have been very helpful with our facilities and we all sing from the same hymn sheet - the directors, the supporters and the council.

"That has been the fundamental reason why we have been successful."