A CHARITY to help single-parent families in Crewe has been awarded more than £20,000 in the latest round of grants from the BBC's Children in Need appeal.

The gift of £21,244 to South Cheshire CLASP is one of nine grants, totalling some £102,355, which have been made to projects across Cheshire.

The grant will pay for the salary of a children's worker, crche workers' fees, rent, transport and recruitment for the Crewe charity.

CLASP is based at Crewe Christian Concern, the charity offers a listening ear for lone parents and drop-in sessions on Thursday mornings at Hightown Methodist Church.

The charity was established in Crewe in 1998 and since then has also offered first aid and computer training as well as information and advice for single parents.

Co-ordinator Angie Quinnell helped create the charity after seeing the lack of support as a lone parent herself in Crewe.

She said: "This money means we will be able to pay for a worker and possibly hold a second drop-in session for teenaged lone parents.

"It will also allow us to do more work with the children of lone parents."

The cash is part of almost £2.3million given to 129 organisations in the BBC North West region in the nine months since the televised appeal.

The money has been donated to registered charities, voluntary and community groups that support youngsters aged 18 and under.

The youngsters include children with disabilities or psychological disorders or who have suffered from serious illness, abuse, poverty or neglect.