MOAN, moan, moan and a bit more moaning.

Do some individuals of the public of St Helens moan about having nothing to moan about? I recently read a letter of blatant negativity (Ex-Labour Democrat, Dear Star, July 24).

Week after week, I see a lot of letters of this type in the newspaper and constantly wonder what it's all about.

Is this letter just someone's ramblings?

The writer starts going on and on about the European Community Fund then of course has to have a go at that part of the community usually lambasted, the Merseyside Police. What on earth has that organisation, and its fine Police officers and support staff done wrong?

Those individuals work tirelessly under increasingly difficult circumstances to provide the best service that they can for the public of the Borough of St Helens which is part of Merseyside whether they like it or not. Just as is Southport, the Wirral and Halewood.

Furthermore for the information of the writer that whilst one merely uses a telephone number for a Liverpool exchange then it is once again tirelessly answered by staff at St Helens. For example does the writer remember the telephone number for the St Helens Borough Police Force? No exactly.

Come on Chief Superintendent Andy Ward, let's see what you and your staff have in response.

What exactly is wrong with being on the outskirts of a metropolis which has just secured the title 'Capital of Culture for 2008'? Will Ex-Labour Democrat be so negative to any finance generated for the Borough?

Then I further read about someone having fun in the square outside the Parish Church. Perhaps the writer would like the Police to deal with a toddler or young child laughing out of turn, did God want us to be miserable or perhaps enjoy a bit of occasional fun? Even if it is on his doorstep, why should the Devil have all the fun? I bet the writer is a real bundle of laughs on a night out, don't let him out with me, I may just tell a miss timed joke or such like.

There are worse places

And what is wrong with making the frontage of the Town Hall a presentable showpiece or indeed having a glass museum, are we not proud of our heritage? Perhaps that is where we are going wrong. Let's be like all other countries and nations - be proud of what we've got, after all there are worse places to live and work.

So, stop having a rip at those proud residents of St Helens and those who represent us and are prepared to have a go to improve our environment. Give them a bit of support.

Come on readers, for goodness sake write something positive for us to look forward to read when our FREE paper lands on the mat.

NEWTON Resident, name and address supplied.