ST NICHOLAS Catholic High School is celebrating record A Level results after students achieved the highest percentage of A and B grades in the school's history.

Pupils at the school have accomplished a magnificent 100 per cent pass rate in all subjects taught at the Hartford school.

Headteacher Gerard Boyle is delighted.

He said: "I am so very pleased for the students who have worked so hard to achieve their results.

"The support given by their families and the professional commitment and hard work of the staff have paid outstanding dividends this year."

He went on to praise individual performance of some students, which has been outstanding.

Jennifer Hawton, aged 17, from Moulton took her exams a year early and managed to achieve a remarkable six A grades in biology, chemistry, physics, maths, French and general studies. Jennifer now intends to study biological studies at Cambridge University.

Claire Rees and Helen Coxon both secured five grade As while Laura Mason, Thomas Rafferty and Adam Onslow all achieved 4 grade A's.

One pupil, Liam Shields was thrilled with his results, he achieved a B in maths, a C in English language a C in general studies and a E in biology.

He said: "After the first year's modules I was looking at all Us and so I am delighted with my results and I would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Carol Pettinger-Harte and wish her well in her new job."

Liam hopes to so on to study statistics and philosophy at Keele University.

Mr Boyle added: There were many others who excelled themselves. The school wishes continued success to the upper sixth students as they move on to their University courses across the country."