MANCHESTER Airport said this week there was no more room to develop land at the end of the second runway.

John Twigg, head of planning and environment, reassured the people of Mobberley after Manchester City Council last week announced it wanted to change council boundaries in the village.

He said the move would not pave the way for more building.

"The area includes the second runway and taxiways, but there is no development land there," he said.

"The land up to the perimeter fence is the bare minimum needed to keep the runway safe and contained."

The Labour-run city council, which owns a 55% share in the airport, wants to take over Macclesfield Borough Council-owned land up to the perimeter fence in Mobberley. But this week Knutsford airport campaigner Jeff Gazzard, who fought against the second runway, urged villagers to object to the plans.

"We need to keep this land to maintain what little control over the airport we can," he said.

"It gives people a seat at the table and we rely on Macclesfield and Cheshire planners to look after airport growth."

The city council suggested the changes after Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott ordered a review of the borders in preparation for next year's vote on regional government.

Macclesfield Borough Council has delayed a decision until the full cabinet can discuss it in September.

On Friday Mr Twigg said the proposal had not come from airport bosses, but it made sense.

"It is a logical boundary," he said.