WARRINGTON'S Liberal Democrats have been given a rap on the knuckles after they were found to have broken council procedures at last month's planning meeting.

All councillors have been given extra guidance following last month's controversial meeting, when Clr Celia Jordan stood down from the planning committee to argue against an application to build an old people's home in her Stockton Heath ward, with Clr Brian Axcell, a fellow Lib Dem, standing in for her throughout the committee.

Council bosses have confirmed that this broke the substitution procedures as laid down in the constitution, because councillors are not allowed to substitute in order to speak on an item, they are instead expected to stand down.

Clr Garry Cross, chairman of the committee, accused the Lib Dems of playing political games.

He said: "Something didn't appear to be right at the time but I was concentrating on making sure that the meeting was going right.

"I expect them to behave in a manner you would expect, this didn't happen in this case. It was using the committee for political gain, it is just not on and not what this committee is about and I have strived to keep it that way.

"It should not be used as a political bat and ball."

Bernice Law, acting chief executive, said: "The issue of substitutions and when they can be used is covered by our constitution and extra guidance on this subject has been made available to all members of the council for future meetings.

"We have advised all members who are contemplating using a substitute that they should ensure they comply with the council procedure rules which identify what each member needs to do when arranging a substitute and in what circumstances a substitute is appropriate."

Clr Jordan said she took legal advice before the meeting and believed that the substitution was within council rules.

She added: "It was quite clear that I intended to be there throughout the meeting and I did what I was told to do. That's why I took the legal advice."