LOCAL singers are invited to Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre on Saturday October 4 at 7:30pm to sing Handel's Messiah as part of a worldwide effort to raise money for hospices.

All over the world thousands will take part in the 2003 Voices for Hospices performance.

All proceeds from the Holmes Chapel performance will go towards children's hospices, Hope House in Oswestry, and the Donna Louise Trust in Stoke-on-Trent.

Each hospice needs more than £1million a year to survive.


This is the third time Holmes Chapel Singers have hosted a Voices for Hospice concert and on both previous occasions they raised more than £2,000.

"The support for this fundraising event has always been superb from singers in and around the Knutsford area," said publicity officer Rosemary Dear.

"October may sound a long way off with summer holidays now underway, however it will soon come around and we want to encourage everyone to put the date in their diary now."

Everyone who wants to sing - at a cost of £7 - is asked to register by Sunday September 28.

There will be two rehearsals at Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre on Sunday 28 September at 2pm and at 1.30pm on October 4.

Details of the rehearsals, the performance and tickets are available from Wendy Macdonald 01477-533718 or Rosemary Dear 01477 532937.