Students at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School and Specialist Science College were celebrating today as they opened the envelopes containing their A and AS results. The pass rate of 97% equalled the best ever attained by the school and every student achieved at least one pass grade. With an average points score of 280, most students were confident that they would be able to follow their chosen course or planned career direction. Over a quarter of the passes were at the highest grades of A or B, with some particularly impressive individual performances.

Pictured above, left to right, are Graeme Strang who achieved 3 As and 1B,

Nikki Tyre 4As, Vicky Crouch 3As and 1B and Matt Haslam 5As at A level.

The school has recently gained Specialist College Status as a Centre of Excellence in Science, and results in Science and Maths were particularly impressive with three quarters of entries in Physics achieving the highest grade of A.

Headteacher, Denis Oliver, commented "I am delighted by the outstanding success and achievement of our students at both A and AS level. They should be proud of their achievements and should not let the now annual soul searching about relative standards from one generation to another detract from their successes.

A levels remain the internationally recognised gold standard and these students have achieved these standards and should be justifiably proud. The debate about standards and natures and relative difficulties of courses should be held at a less emotionally charges time, allowing for a more reflective and professional consideration of the issues".

Mrs Senior, Head of Sixth Form said: "I am absolutely delighted with the students' performance. Not only have they achieved well academically, they also made a fantastic contribution to the school throughout their time here. They embraced the new Prefect system and executed their duties exceptionally well. They also raised substantial sums for charity and always joined in with the wider school community, always with humour and good will. I wish them every future success."

Mr Hind, Chair of Governors commented: "The school's continued success is a credit to the Leadership Team, the rest of the staff and all the students whose hard work has been rewarded. Our recent attainment of Specialist College Status will enable us to build further on this success and this gives us cause to be optimistic for the future