glass attack

A 22-year-old man from Cinnamon Brow has been sent to prison for 14 months after a glass attack in the town centre that left another man needing microsurgery on his face.

Paul Jackson, of Kinross Close, was at Bridge Foot in the early hours of June 20 this year when he bumped into 32-year-old David Boyle.

The two men, who had both been drinking, got involved in a fight and Jackson struck Mr Boyle in the face with a bottle, which smashed on impact.

Mr Boyle suffered cuts to the left side of his face and ear and the bottle also damaged a nerve and severed a salivary gland.

Jackson pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding at Warrington Magistrates' Court on July 9.

Judge David Hale, who sentenced Jackson at Warrington Crown Court on Monday, said: "People who cause injuries with bottles when they are drunk must expect to go prison, especially when they cause serious injuries."