POLICE stumbled upon an immigrant smuggling operation following the discovery of asylum seekers being transported to an industrial estate in Woolston.

Officers investigating rising levels of crime and disorder on the Woolston Grange Estate, during the summer, discovered an illicit trafficking operation involving groups of eastern European immigrants.

The masterminds behind the operation, dubbed 'work masters', were rounding up the immigrants, many from war-torn Iraq, and bringing them into Warrington.

High-visibility officers stopped transit vans that were taking groups of asylum seekers from Manchester and Liverpool into Woolston for employment on the industrial estate.

Police have confirmed that some asylum seekers were working there illegally. They were handed to immigration officers in Liverpool, but due to the ongoing conflict in Iraq, many could not be deported to their homeland.

The Immigration Service is still investigating the case.

The Department of Work and Pensions was contacted after officers identified a large group of people who were fraudulently claiming benefits and other forms of income support.

The operation also resulted in the arrest of 11 offenders and a large number of minor traffic offences being identified and reported.

The crackdown was part of Operation Wrangle, headed by the north east police division in town to monitor a rise of reported crime and disorder on the industrial estate.

Sgt Graeme Birmingham told the Guardian the high-profile surveillance would return to the estate before the end of the year.

He said: "It was a top operation and we observed a great deal of crime going on.

"We aim to make Warrington a safer place to live and work.

"Many business owners have commented favourably on the work done there."