FRIDAY was a golden day for an Orford couple who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Stan and Dorothy Bennett, of Walpole Grove, first met in 1948 at Warrington Infirmary where she was a student nurse and he was a hospital attendant.

Dorothy, now aged 73, qualified as a nurse and then as a midwife. She continued working in nursing and midwifery until her retirement in 1989.

Stan, aged 81, was employed at chemical manufacturers Laporte's until he moved to Thames Case cardboard factory.

Dorothy and Stan have one daughter, Moira, aged 42, who helped them celebrate their anniversary along with more family and friends at a party held at Woolston British Legion on Friday night.

The couple are now retired and spend a lot of their time socialising and also enjoy gardening and having holidays.

When asked what the secret to a successful marriage was, Dorothy said: "Sharing, we don't have yours or mine, everything is ours." They are also best friends who work together and support each other through everything.