A COUPLE who first set eyes on each other over a crowded foyer at the Premium cinema in Latchford, are about to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary

Ted Green, now aged 73, worked his way up the ranks at Firth wire manufacturers, while his bride-to-be, Norah, now aged 69, worked in the Co-op cash office until she moved to Oakwood Post Office where she continues to work today.

The couple, of Kipling Avenue, Orford, have lived in Warrington all their lives, and spend their spare time playing bowls. Ted is the chairman of Warrington Bowls Club. They also enjoy going on holiday.

The couple have spent the week leading up to their anniversary visiting relatives around the country before returning home on Friday for a party organised by their children.

They claim that their secret to a happy marriage is: "Compromise, tolerance and a sense of humour."