AN Orford couple celebrate their diamond wedding today, Thursday, after 60 years of married bliss.

Albert and Jean Newton will mark the occasion with two or three small celebrations as much of the family live a distance away from Warrington.

The couple, who now live in Boyle Avenue, were married in Essex on August 14, 1943 and moved up to Warrington in 1945. They met while Albert was stationed in the Army in Suffolk in 1942.

And the couple have quite a story to tell from the Second World War because Albert was among the first six landings in Normandy on D-Day 1945 and the couple have been to a number of occasions to mark the event since.

Former borough surveyor Albert, aged 85, and Jean, aged 78, who worked for Warrington Borough Transport, have been retired for 20 years and now enjoy gardening and model railways.

Jean said: "We enjoy all sorts of things and Albert is especially keen on steam engines."

The couple have five children, Robert, Jennifer, Margaret, Jean and Alice, seven grandchildren and four great- grandchildren.