"THEY must have no conscience..." The words of one grief stricken mother who could not hide her distress after the latest in a catalogue of cruel thefts from her daughter's grave.

The lady, who wishes to remain anonymous, visits St Helens cemetery every day, but was shocked to discover last Friday that ghouls had stolen an 18-inch high stone dog that has been there for three years. Over this time, several items have been taken from the grave, from wind chimes to lanterns.

"It's so upsetting that people can thieve from someone's grave. It's beyond me."

She admitted that the dog holds sentimental value, but it will be more difficult to replace than other items.

"It's not about the money. They are desecrating her ground. They just won't leave her alone."

"These people should realise that one day they will be up there as well."

Her husband urged people to mark any items that are put on loved ones graves. "There's a lot of stuff being pinched," he claimed. "But people don't report it. If you see these things at car boot sales. Don't buy them."

Constable Graham Lynch said: "These types of offence are despicable in nature and just defy belief. They achieve nothing and cause stress and upset for the bereaved family."

"There appears to be no particular pattern to indicate when these incidents occur. We would ask the public to assist us by being vigilant when visiting local cemeteries and to report anything at all suspicious to the police immediately."

Anyone with information regarding this matter should contact Constable Graham Lynch at Eccleston Police Station on 0151 777 60522 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.