Heidi Humphrys

CLIMB aboard the famous double-decker bus passing through Liverpool next week and join the cast of Summer Holiday for an evening full of classic rock 'n' roll hits.

Stepping into Cliff Richards' well-worn shoes is Darren Day and he'll be starring with former Hear'Say member Suzanne Shaw, Christopher Biggins and Aimi Macdonald.

The much-loved classic comedy features all the favourites including Summer Holiday, Bachelor Boy and Livin' Doll as well as The Young Ones, Do You Wanna Dance and In The Country.

Summer Holiday follows the story of a group of friends on bus ride through France, Switzerland and Greece who are joined by pop starlet Bobby (Shaw), dressed as a boy, who falls in love with bachelor boy Don.

The show is on at The Liverpool Empire from Monday, August 18 until Saturday, August 23 and tickets are available from 0870 606 3536.

If you miss the show in Liverpool next week, you can catch Summer Holiday at the Blackpool Opera House between September 8 and 27.

VISITORS to Tatton Park near Knutsford are in for a treat this week as the entertainment continues throughout the summer holidays.

The fun and games will get under way tonight, Thursday, as Shakespeare's great courtroom drama The Merchant of Venice is staged at the old hall from 7.30pm.

The 16th vintage classic and sports car show kicks off on Saturday and Sunday with more than 2000 vintage and classic cars on display and the Vikings are coming to town on Sunday as history is brought to life.

Tickets for Shakespeare and the Vikings are available by ringing 01625 534400, if you want to go to the car show ring 01565 723863.

GET your vocal chords in tune and be ready to hit the high notes as Sing-a-long A Wizard of Oz arrives in Manchester.

The Palace Theatre is hosting six performances of the interactive show, which is based on the childhood favourite film, and audience members are invited to follow the yellow brick road.

There will be the chance to sing with Dorothy and hiss at the wicked witch of the west and you'll also get a fun pack to enhance your enjoyment of the show.

And just so you feel part of the performance, you are invited to dress up as your favourite Wizard of Oz character, whether it's the cowardly lion, the tin man in search of a heart or the brainless scarecrow.

Tickets, for the shows between next Thursday, August 21 and Sunday, August 24, can be obtained by ringing 0870 401 6000.