Jalapenos return for two concerts - and with a new CD

WIRRAL-based rockers the Jalapenos will have celebration on their minds when they appear at Darcy Monaghans in New Brighton this Friday.

The band's new CD, 'Tear It Up', is enjoying healthy sales. It was recorded at Glass Studios in Birkenhead and features Nik Turner, former member of '70s rock stalwarts Hawkwind, who blows his trademark 'wild' saxophone on two of the 18 tracks.

The group's vocalist, Charlie Davison, told me: "Getting Nik involved was a real boost. I used to play with him a few years ago, so decided to get back in touch. I sent him a copy of our previous CD, 'Red Hot', and followed it up with an e-mail. He got back to me saying he was well up for working with us."

As well as Charlie, the band features Dave Cornes on drums and 'Doctor' Martyn on guitar. The line-up has remained the same for the seven years.

Constant gigging all over the North West has seen the trio build up a steady following among live music lovers. They have performed at numerous major festivals.

In the past, the boys have been involved with many local bands and have shared the bill with the likes of The Stereophonics, Big Country, Uriah Heep, The Sweet and The Yardbirds.

"Experience has taught us that audiences want to see a dynamic performance from a band," Charlie said. "The new CD was recorded due to public demand. People who see our shows often want to take a memento home with them."

The Jalepenos also appear at the Iron Door Club, Argyle Street, on Friday, September 5. Friday's show starts at 11pm.