ON WEDNESDAY afternoon I had some letters that needed to be posted that day.

As I was at work, I walked across to the nearest post box - outside the post office in Marshalls Cross Road, St Helens.

Unfortunately I had missed the post (5pm) for that evening, but the information on the box said that the latest post in the area was at 8.45pm in Milner Street, Warrington.

As I live in Warrington, I brought the letters home and travelled an extra four miles (and four miles back) to post them. I was extremely annoyed to find that the latest post from this box was not 8.45pm as stated on the box in St Helens, but 6.30pm.

A gentleman who arrived while I was there, was also amazed at such a ludicrously early collection - he went on to deliver the letter himself.

An area the size of Warrington, St Helens and surrounding area surely deserves a later collection than 6.30pm.

The very least I would expect, is that when you advertise a latest collection time, you stick to it. As both of the boxes at Clockface and in Marshall's Cross Road advertise the 8.45pm collection, I assume that all the post boxes in St Helens are the same, thus there are probably more irate customers by the day, who turn up at Warrington for a non-existent collection.

It does not surprise me that Royal Mail is losing money by the day, when they can not inform their paying public of the correct collection times.

When customer care goes out of the window, profits go down the drain.