RESIDENTS in Latchford are up in arms over plans for a new housing development.

Blueprints to build four two-storey houses and two bungalows at the back of Marbury Street and four flats at the back of Canterbury Street have been greeted with strong objections.

The four, two-storey houses are located at the bottom of the railway embankment in the plans submitted by DMJ Properties.

But more than 40 residents attended a community flat on St Mary's Street to view the plans last month and voice their opposition to councillor Maureen Creaghan.

Resident Karen Robinson said: "We have submitted a petition and objection letters.

"Latchford is currently undergoing a renewal project to calm traffic and make more facilities available to residents, but this is being contradicted by more houses and flats being built."

Residents are also concerned that there will be nowhere left for their children to play except in the streets, that emergency vehicles will find it very difficult to access the road and that the market value of their property will decrease.

Clr Creaghan said that the development could mean a loss of privacy to residents, with the new buildings only being 10 feet away.

She said: "I object most strongly and I support the residents in their objections."

Warrington Borough Council's development control committee has yet to scrutinise the plans, but residents are hoping the proposals will be thrown out.