IT was smiles all around at Helsby High School after another year of record results, with a 97 per cent pass rate.

In total 15 students achieved at least three straight A grades and five were awarded As in five subjects.

Rob Dison, of Kingsley, will study natural sciences at Pembroke College, Cambridge while Bethany McNally of Ashton, will also travel to Cambridge, this time Trinity College to study mathematics.

Helen Reti of Moreton, will be studying Anglo-Saxon and Celtic at St Catherine's College, Cambridge and Rachel Walsh of Elton, will study natural sciences at Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Iolo Savill of Mouldsworth, will be going to Nottingham University to study physics and philosophy.

Rob was surprised by his success. He said: "I didn't think I would do so well so I had been planning my year out but now I'm going to go straight to Cambridge."

Rachel Walsh's delighted mum, Margaret, said: "We're very proud of her. It's a very nerve-wracking time but she works hard and we would have been pleased with whatever she had got.

"We've been to look around the college at Cambridge. It seems small and quite old-fashioned, which is what Rachel wanted. Everyone there was friendly and it didn't seem elitist."

Future management with IT and French student, Michelle Slater of Frodsham, narrowly missed her expected grades but York University is still happy to accept her.

She said: "I didn't get the A and two Bs I needed but I went to see my teacher. After speaking to the admissions tutor at York they said they were still pleased to have me, so I'm really happy."

Headteacher Richard Evans said: "Students and staff deserve every congratulation for their hard work that has brought this richly deserved success."