JUDITH Pardoe welcomed everyone to Acton Bridge WI and thanked all those who had donated cakes or produce for the playgroup summer fayre. The playgroup was very grateful for the generous gesture and the stall raised more than £60.

The gardening group were pleased that their efforts were being recognised and delighted that the Northwich Guardian had printed an article about them following the WI entry for the best kept station competition.

Judith, who was nominated as the delegate for Acton Bridge and neighbouring villages to attend the Albert Hall for the WI Annual General Meeting, gave a full and interesting report. She had thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

The meeting had been Helen Carey's last event as national chairman and she had stressed that community service and local action was part of the WI ethos. There is to be an outing for members to Helen Carey's for a ploughman's lunch in August. There is also to be an outing to Oklahoma later in the year.

The speaker was Margaret Clapham who talked about her childhood memories. She was thanked by Edie Rutter and the competition was won by Ann Roberts.

The next meeting is on August 12 at 7.30pm when Mr Walton, the father of the Wirral sextuplets, will talk about living with seven women! Visitors are very welcome.